
Tips with Tina: The #1 Reason People Are Having Trouble Selling Their Place

In today’s market, selling a home sounds easy. And it is — if it’s priced right. The number you choose to list for initially can affect your entire real estate transaction, including the number on that hopefully large check you receive at closing. Below, our caring and well-experienced agent Tina Fallon explains the downsides that […]

An Expert Weighs in on the Mortgage Calculator and Joins Our Workshop Tonight!

Our good friend and mortgage expert, Mark Maimon, was recently quoted in this very informative Apartment Therapy post on the topic of mortgage calculators. We know they aren’t exact but can be helpful in the early stages of home purchasing, when you’d like to know an approximation of how much you may be able to spend. […]

Buying Into Brooklyn Event. Save the Date!

Buying a home in NYC is no easy feat! Let us help make the process easier. On Tuesday, March 19th from 6 to 7:30pm, join us for our latest edition of Buying Into Brooklyn, a crash course on home buying with key strategies for your home search. Get solid advice from our team of pros in a relaxed setting Learn […]

David’s Journey from Renter to Owner by The Fallon Team

Photo Courtesy of Compass We met on a warm August evening in Park Slope at what best can be described as a man cave. The garden level duplex was dark. And cramped. And David liked it. I asked ‘Are you concerned about natural light?’ ‘No,’ he said. Hmmm, okay. This will be interesting. That sun-starved duplex ended […]

Trading up: How To Get the Best Deals In a Buyer’s Market By the Fallon Team

Around the country, housing is scarce and prices are skyrocketing. Unemployment is low, salaries are up, and people keep moving to New York City. So why is the NYC market so slow? Rising interest rates, oversupply in the high-end market and concern about the potential effects of the tax reform bill have left many buyers […]

Our Buying into Brooklyn Event Last Week with Pics!

Last Thursday evening we sat down with some folks who had a lot of questions about home-buying in the Brooklyn real estate market and we were happy to hang out with them at the lovely bar, The Hop Shop in the Columbia Waterfront District and make sure they got all their answers. We’re grateful to […]

Calculate Approximate Monthly Mortgage Payments by Jane Herro

Need a ballpark estimate of monthly principal and interest mortgage payments on the fly? Our friends and Freedom Mortgage have a shortcut! The calculation below can be used to estimate ballpark figures with a relatively small margin of error. Here’s how to do it: Approximate Mortgage Payment Calculation $5 for every $1,000 borrowed (assumed rate of roughly […]

Bid Today to Support 24 Hour Plays!

As you may know from previous blogs, Realty Collective, has a personal attachment to the 24 Hour Plays. RC’s Tina Fallon has a multitude of other talents and interests aside from being a smart and savvy real estate agent, one of them being that she is a founding producer of this production, which has expanded […]

Buying into Brooklyn Workshop Photos and Video!

Sunday’s Buying into Brooklyn: Open House Edition crash course for first-time home buyers was a success! Realty Collective’s talented agent duo the Fallon Team, Jane Herro and Tina Fallon were hosting alongside real estate attorney Rashidah Siddiqui of Serpico, Serpico & Siddiqui P.C. and Freedom Mortgage banker Gabi Feuer. Realty Collective’s Victoria Hagman was also in attendance and was very happy with the […]

Open House Tips for Buyers

We have shared our thoughts and ideas in the past for sellers staging their homes for an open house (see our blog post 5 Tips on Staging Your Home) but now we’d like to talk about the other side of this process, attending an open house. For first-time home buyers especially this may be a bit […]