
Aztech Recognition Agreements: What You Need to Know

Anyone who has purchased a co-op apartment in New York City has heard of the Aztech Recognition Agreement (a.k.a Aztec form). It’s required by the bank to get a loan and originals are necessary for the purchase application. However, most co-op owners do not know what it’s for or what it does. An Aztec form […]

Empower Yourself: Keys to Confident Home Buying in NYC

Are you dreaming of calling the vibrant city of New York your home but find the idea of buying a property overwhelming? The bustling real estate market of NYC may seem daunting, but what if we told you that you’re more ready than you think? In our free, virtual workshop, Kristen Euretig, a seasoned Certified […]

An Insider’s Guide to Reviewing Co-op Building Finances

Once the offer is accepted and the deal sheet is sent out, there’s still work to be done if you’re buying a co-op. And you probably have plenty of questions: Who exactly is looking at all this data, what are they looking for, and who is responsible for the due diligence at this step? Let’s […]

How to Spot a Friendly Co-op or Condo Board

When you buy a co-op or condo in New York City, it’s easy to focus more on the apartment (its price, size, and location) than the building–let alone the personality and temperament of the co-op or condo board that runs it. But make no mistake: Beyond deciding whether you may become an owner in the […]

Understanding Post-Closing Liquidity for NYC Co-ops

If you’re exploring the idea of owning an apartment in the dynamic city of New York, particularly in a co-op building, you’ve likely come to understand that the journey can be complicated. Co-op buildings, in particular, have unique requirements that go beyond the conventional real estate process. From rigorous board interviews to stringent financial criteria, […]

Unlocking the Secrets to Finding the Right Neighborhoods in Brooklyn

When it comes to buying a property, the significance of the neighborhood cannot be underestimated. Choosing the right area goes beyond just finding a house; it profoundly impacts your quality of life, property value, and overall satisfaction with your investment. Conducting thorough research on the neighborhoods in Brooklyn is essential to ensure a successful home […]

Understanding the Challenge of Completing Condo Questionnaires in NYC

If you’re navigating the New York City real estate market as a potential condo buyer or owner looking to refinance, you’ve likely encountered a critical document—the condo questionnaire. This seemingly straightforward form significantly determines your loan eligibility and evaluates your building’s financial health and structural integrity. However, what might seem like a simple task often […]

Unlocking the Secrets to Finding the Right Neighborhoods in Brooklyn

When it comes to buying a property, the significance of the neighborhood cannot be underestimated. Choosing the right area goes beyond just finding a house; it profoundly impacts your quality of life, property value, and overall satisfaction with your investment. Conducting thorough research on the neighborhoods in Brooklyn is essential to ensure a successful home […]

There are More Single Women Homeowners Than Single Men

Happy Women’s History Month! At Realty Collective we find it important to highlight local women owned businesses in Brooklyn. We have a whole blog category dedicated to it. Female owned businesses are an important part of our community and without them we wouldn’t be here, literally, Realty Collective is co-owned by Victoria Alexander, a real […]

5 Creative Solutions To Reduce Your Brooklyn Closing Costs When Buying A Home

Buying your dream home in the Brooklyn real estate market can be difficult due to increasing interest rates. In addition to that are co-ops, which typically require ample cash reserves on top of the down payment. Depending on the type of property you want to buy, whether apartment or townhome, the closing cost can be […]