
Brooklyn Bridge | New Home Buyer in Sunset Park

Brooklyn Bridge is our ongoing series featuring our clients’ real stories of what buying in Brooklyn is really like. Buying a home anywhere is a challenge. But buying in Brooklyn is a true journey. Finding that just-right combination of affordability, location, style, and livability can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s why we wanted to bring you […]

Cover Letters—Not Just For Jobs Anymore

You’re a working adult with a reliable job and an income good enough to buy a place in Brooklyn. All of these things are worth celebrating (especially right now!). But if you think your days of cover letters are behind you, it’s time to reconsider. If you’re on the hunt for a new home, writing […]

Using Credit Once You’ve Applied for Your Mortgage

Despite the relief you might feel after years of saving, on-time payments, and achieving the best-possible credit scores, after you’ve applied for a mortgage isn’t time to change any of your responsible behavior.  Why? Well, the mortgage approval process isn’t immediate and it’s really a moving target during that period between application and approval. As […]

An Expert Weighs in on the Mortgage Calculator and Joins Our Workshop Tonight!

Our good friend and mortgage expert, Mark Maimon, was recently quoted in this very informative Apartment Therapy post on the topic of mortgage calculators. We know they aren’t exact but can be helpful in the early stages of home purchasing, when you’d like to know an approximation of how much you may be able to spend. […]

Buying Into Brooklyn Event. Save the Date!

Buying a home in NYC is no easy feat! Let us help make the process easier. On Tuesday, March 19th from 6 to 7:30pm, join us for our latest edition of Buying Into Brooklyn, a crash course on home buying with key strategies for your home search. Get solid advice from our team of pros in a relaxed setting Learn […]

8 Smart Tips To Home Buying by Ronica and Chris Webb.

    Some people are mystified about the home buying process, which is one of the reasons they never move from renter to buying. Team Webb put together 8 simple tips to demystify the process. Want one-on-one assistance we can help. Just give us a call. Ronica Webb (347) 898-4869 or Chris Webb (347) 232-6210   ***Chris and […]