
Determining the Local Housing Market: Buyer’s or Seller’s Market

If you’ve been toying with the idea of selling your home, but aren’t yet sure if you’re ready to take the plunge, there’s one major factor that can help you make your decision: the state of your local housing market. Being in a buyers market or a sellers market can make a big difference in […]

Tips with Tina: The #1 Reason People Are Having Trouble Selling Their Place

In today’s market, selling a home sounds easy. And it is — if it’s priced right. The number you choose to list for initially can affect your entire real estate transaction, including the number on that hopefully large check you receive at closing. Below, our caring and well-experienced agent Tina Fallon explains the downsides that […]

Best Houseplants for Staging – Happy Houseplant Appreciation Day!

Like many of you, we’re big fans of plants (seriously, you should see our office). The trend caught on during quarantine when we all were trying out new hobbies, and it seems like this one is here to stay. And trust us, we’re not complaining.  In honor of Houseplant day, we’re going to share the […]

Understand Transfer Taxes – and Their Loopholes

If you’re looking into buying a Brooklyn home, it’s important that you understand all the costs that come up at closing. There are seller’s costs & there are buyer’s costs – and one of the trickiest costs that come up are called transfer taxes. What are transfer taxes? A transfer tax is the tax charged […]