
Buying & Selling at the Same Time: What to Expect

Buying a new home at the same time as you’re selling your old home is all about timing — and some luck, of course. And while you can’t control everything that happens during the complicated buying and selling process, there are some things you can do to set yourself up for smooth closings — maybe […]

Safeguarding Your Property: Detecting Fraudulent, Expired, or Canceled Certificates of Insurance

When it comes to property management and renovations, a genuine and up-to-date Certificate of Insurance (COI) is your safety net. Beyond detecting fraudulent COIs, ensuring that the policy is current and has yet to be canceled or expired is equally crucial. Contractors sometimes acquire a policy for documentation purposes, only to cancel it later. You […]

Determining the Local Housing Market: Buyer’s or Seller’s Market

If you’ve been toying with the idea of selling your home, but aren’t yet sure if you’re ready to take the plunge, there’s one major factor that can help you make your decision: the state of your local housing market. Being in a buyers market or a sellers market can make a big difference in […]

Tips with Tina: The #1 Reason People Are Having Trouble Selling Their Place

In today’s market, selling a home sounds easy. And it is — if it’s priced right. The number you choose to list for initially can affect your entire real estate transaction, including the number on that hopefully large check you receive at closing. Below, our caring and well-experienced agent Tina Fallon explains the downsides that […]

Feeling Trendy? Here are the Top Renovations in Brooklyn for 2022

New year, new home styles — are we right? If you want to prepare your home for a top-dollar sale, jump on board with the smooth style our neighbors are taking on — smart specs, decade-replicating details, functional fashion, and more. We’re excited about what this year will bring, and we think you will be, […]

COVID-19 and the Brooklyn Real Estate Market: What We’re Seeing

Brooklyn real estate is very resistant to crystal-ball pronouncements, much to our disappointment. It seems like right now everyone is asking the same questions about clarity, preparedness, and the future. And the truth is that we just don’t know what to expect in the coming months.  COVID-19 has been an unprecedented experience for our borough […]

NYC Open House Guide For Sellers (Part 1): 

Series: Open House Rules Sellers Need To Know Before They List! Rule 1: Timing When it comes to the open house, how do you know whether your agent is doing it right—from picking the optimal time slot, to advertising in the right places, to showing up prepared? Make sure you ask these qualifying questions of […]

Women-Owned Brooklyn Business #2: Superfine Design

One of the best parts of working in real estate over the years is seeing how people design their space. It’s incredible how I’ve watched spaces transform from one resident to the next.  One space I saw transformed last year was an alcove studio in Clinton Hill.  Josie Floyd, the owner of Superfine designed her space by only […]