
How To Compare Mortgage Loan Offers

Comparing mortgage loans is one of the smartest things you can do to ensure you’re making an informed decision about a financial matter that will affect your life for years to come—maybe decades. Put it that way and it only makes sense to sit through some uncomfortable conversations with a few loan officers. But don’t […]

How To Choose Your Mortgage Broker

A mortgage broker is someone who will work as an intermediary between you and a lender. They don’t work for the lender but instead will ensure they work to find you the best possible rate and terms. Typically, you’ll meet to go over your finances, income, credit score, and other key variables. Then, they’ll help […]

Calculate Approximate Monthly Mortgage Payments by Jane Herro

Need a ballpark estimate of monthly principal and interest mortgage payments on the fly? Our friends and Freedom Mortgage have a shortcut! The calculation below can be used to estimate ballpark figures with a relatively small margin of error. Here’s how to do it: Approximate Mortgage Payment Calculation $5 for every $1,000 borrowed (assumed rate of roughly […]