
Stand in Solidarity with Sexual Assault Survivors Wednesday.

This Wednesday, April 24th, is Denim Day. Have you heard of this campaign? You can read how it began and why we are meant to specifically wear denim below. We should all participate to stand in solidarity with sexual assault victims. You can register here. “The campaign was originally triggered [in 1999] by a ruling […]

March for Our Lives Recap.

We marched this Saturday and were not surprised to see hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers participating! We marched until 4pm and, when we left, the massive crowds were still flowing and it showed no signs of slowing down.  The loving and togetherness vibes were similar to the Women’s March back in January but it […]

Photos from the Women’s March in NYC.

Saturday’s NYC Women’s March was bigger than expected with more than 200,000 men and women marching the streets of the city.  We were there and it was such a lovely experience being surrounded by this loving and vibrant energy! It was extremely invigorating. Some of the highlights were seeing families marching together of different generations, […]

Women’s March is January 20th!

Last year on January 21st people all over the United States (and the planet!) marched in support of Women’s equality and a variety of other basic rights that are important to us all.  This year it will be on January 20th and we hope that everyone is spreading the word and making plans. We know […]

March for Truth Info for Sharing.

Marches are only successful if people know about them and feel compelled to join in.  At the beginning of this year so many New Yorkers were fired up and showed up in droves for the Women’s March. Over the last couple of months, however, many have expressed that they are feeling burnt out or have […]

Events and Happenings this Weekend.

It’s going to be a beautiful weekend, getting up in the 70’s again on Sunday! Hurray! Spring is here and we are planning on taking full advantage and spending our days outside this weekend. Saturday is an important day for all of us resisting the current administration and all the craziness that comes with it. […]

Today Without Women.

As most of you know today is the National Women’s Strike, “A Day Without Women”. Many women across New York are participating in the strike, which is wonderful, but it’s been a little controversial as well.  Many can’t afford to take a day off.  There were also questions about whether teachers and substitutes should strike. […]

General Nationwide Strike on February 17th.

As many of you may have already heard, most likely from your Facebook feeds, Anti-Trump resistance organizers are calling for a general strike the Friday before Presidents day, February 17th.  What exactly does this mean? Citizens are urged to stay home from work and school and not spend any money.  It’s meant to exclaim our […]

A Message From Carlos Menchaca

We received the message below from our Council Member, Carlos Menchaca, and wanted to pass it along!  We’re so proud of Menchaca and all the politicians standing up for immigrant rights and protesting alongside their constituents. We’ve been hearing about a lot of folks putting pressure on our local politicians, in fact we blogged about the protest […]

GET A SPINE, Chuck Protest Tomorrow.

New Yorkers right now are feeling so many things!  Depressed, helpless, agitated, stressed, angry to name a few.  We can take all of these emotions and be pro-active with them.  We heard about a protest in Brooklyn tomorrow that some of you may be interested in.  Senator Schumer has disappointed many Brooklyn residents with his […]