
Women’s March is January 20th!

Last year on January 21st people all over the United States (and the planet!) marched in support of Women’s equality and a variety of other basic rights that are important to us all.  This year it will be on January 20th and we hope that everyone is spreading the word and making plans. We know it has been cold and thus hard to think about standing outside for hours, but the temperatures are rising and this cannot be ignored.  We’ve seen the conversation about sexual harassment explode on social media with the #metoo movements and people are talking.  Let’s keep them talking! We can’t let this just fade away.  Tell you friends and mark your calendars!

Join the world! On January 20th NYC will raise its voice again to demand equality for all humans at the 2018 Women’s March on NYC.

Over the past year, basic rights for women, immigrants, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, the religious and nonreligious, people of color and even Mother Earth have struggled to survive under the weight of the current administration. America’s First Amendment has been challenged and healthcare for millions has been threatened. We must stand together to demand and defend our rights. Let your voice echo from the streets of New York City to the capital city. Show the world that red, white and blue are colors of tolerance.

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