
Trivia Tuesdays Tonight in Brooklyn!

We wanted to highlight a couple of local pub trivia nights in case your New Year’s resolution happened to be exercising your brain or drinking more beer.

Beginning at 8pm tonight at Fawkner in Cobble Hill, the NYC Trivia League presents a night of pub trivia with gift card prizes.  The first place winner takes home a $50 gift card! Not bad! They are give away tickets to Bell House and Union Hall shows.  You can put this on your calendar for every Tuesday.

For a more specific trivia tonight at 7pm head over to Bar Chord in Ditmas Park for a night of Music Trivia with Shane and Ruth.  The hosts are entertaining and warm and always have a variety of challenging musical questions to pose. This event generally takes place the first Tuesday of the month but occasionally holidays through that off, this week is an example of that.

Have fun out there and good luck!

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