
March for Truth Info for Sharing.

Marches are only successful if people know about them and feel compelled to join in.  At the beginning of this year so many New Yorkers were fired up and showed up in droves for the Women’s March. Over the last couple of months, however, many have expressed that they are feeling burnt out or have lost a little bit of that flame they need to keep fighting.  There have been so many marches, protests, and town halls since January that it’s hard to keep track sometimes.  The March for Truth, coming up on June 3rd, is a “demand for an impartial investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and ties to Donald Trump and his associates”.  The firing of James Comey has millions of Americans reinvigorated in their resistance to Trump and now is a perfect time to take to the streets again!

Let’s do this! Mark your Calendars! Tell your friends! Help organize!! Spread the word about #MarchforTruth on facebook, twitter, instagram!


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