
Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Forum Tonight.

We just got word from Carlos Menchaca’s office that there will be a forum tonight to address the needs of transgender and gender non-conforming members of our community.  The meeting will begin at 6pm at the YWCA of Brooklyn (30 3rd Ave) and will run until 9pm. The purpose is to strategize with fellow community leaders, elected officials […]

New Martial Arts Space Opens on Court Street.

Has anyone been feeling an intense anger lately that makes you just want to kick something? We’re guessing the response from most of you was “YES!”. Good news for all of us that need somewhere to channel our rage as well as get rid of some anxiety.  A new martial arts space has opened at […]

GET A SPINE, Chuck Protest Tomorrow.

New Yorkers right now are feeling so many things!  Depressed, helpless, agitated, stressed, angry to name a few.  We can take all of these emotions and be pro-active with them.  We heard about a protest in Brooklyn tomorrow that some of you may be interested in.  Senator Schumer has disappointed many Brooklyn residents with his […]

100 Days of Impact Offers Free Workshops.

If you are like many Americans that went to the Women’s March on Saturday and are thinking “What can I do now?”, these workshops are for you.  So many of us want to stay active and don’t want the momentum to end.  100 Days of Impact offers free workshops every weekday.  The kick off party […]

The 1984 Book Club at Central Library.

This is a very appropriate and interesting book discussion going on every month at Central Library. George Orwell’s 1984 is a dystopian novel set in a “world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation, dictated by a political system…under the control of a privileged elite”. So far the event has been quite popular.  Though, […]

Black Jacks: African American Sailors in the 19th Century

  Here’s a fascinating and informative lecture coming up the first weekend of February that we wanted to share with you all. There are two opportunities to attend this free talk, Friday February 3rd at Borough Hall and Saturday February 4th at The Noble Maritime Collection.  More about this below. The critical historic role played […]

Carroll Gardens Library Events and News.

Our local libraries are always a nice warm haven in the winter months, especially for parents and caregivers.  The Carroll Gardens Library, on Union and Clinton, always has wonderful programs for all ages.  Some include yoga, crafts and story times for the little ones and memoir workshops or knitting groups for adults.  They even have […]

Spotlight on Brooklyn Strategist!

Though the new year, weather, and political climate have definitely contributed to a lot of folks feeling melancholy lately we’ve had our minds on another addition to this list of sadness.  The closing of so many great shops, restaurants and venues.  We blogged over the last couple of weeks about both Cake Shop and BookCourt […]

Improv for Professionals Class.

We blogged recently that Brooklyn Brainery opened a space in Windsor Terrace. We saw this class, “Improv for Professionals”, and thought it was a great idea and want to share with anyone who may need to work on their communication skills.  Honestly, that’s most of us.  We are so accustomed to being glued to our […]

Nutcracker Rouge Through January 7th.

Nutcracker Rouge will be playing in Fort Greene until January 7th. “A sexy take on the classical ballet, featuring opera, circus, vaudeville, burlesque” is a good way to describe what to expect at this show but we would add that it’s also mesmerizing with both moments of ethereal beauty and hilarity. Everyone we know who has […]