
How To….Pick Your First Brick & Mortar by Sandra Manley

During the past year, I’ve worked with several people looking for their first “brick & mortar” — retail, office, or manufacturing space somewhere in Brooklyn or Manhattan. Most had an existing business started in their apartment or a shared space, and were branching out as the business expanded.  As prepared as these people thought they […]

Commercial Spaces in Red Hook.

Anyone who lives or works in Red Hook can tell you that the neighborhood has a wonderfully tight-knit community of small business owners. Its a diverse mixture of retail, restaurants/bars, artists and manufacturers. Many of whom have made a name for themselves and turned the area into a destination shopping and dining district. Now is […]

Velvette Brew Coming to Smith Street.

Formerly two spaces in one, a juice bar and Shelsky’s of Brooklyn, which moved up to Court Street near Atlantic, 251 Smith Street has had brown paper in the windows for a short while. We are now seeing signage! A small piece of paper has been put up in the window that announces a place […]

Progress on Smith Street Storefronts.

For many years now a row of storefronts on Smith Street have been out of commission.  As you can see in the photo above, there are four or five in a row (with 252 Smith Street being in the middle) that have been boarded up for a while.  Whenever we have passed by in the […]