
Eating Al Fresco in Brooklyn

Tis the season for eating outdoors! Though the days lately have been sweltering, the evenings are perfect for sitting outside and enjoying dinner or drinks. There are so many options for this in Brooklyn. Even some spots you may not suspect would have outdoor seating may have a back garden to park yourself for the […]

Dining Al Fresco in Brooklyn

We have had some lovely evenings the last couple of nights and it reminds us to take advantage of enjoying the outdoors not just during the daytime hours but also after the sun goes down. One of our favorite summer activities is eating dinner or sitting with a cocktail outdoors. While there are dozens of […]

3 Outdoor Brooklyn Bars for Labor Day Drinks

As the long weekend approaches and the summer comes to an end a lot of us are having the same thought.  “I need a drink!”. Well, there aren’t many weekends left to take advantage of sitting on a bar’s patio or garden area and having a few drinks while the sun goes down.  Here are […]