
Eating Al Fresco in Brooklyn

Tis the season for eating outdoors! Though the days lately have been sweltering, the evenings are perfect for sitting outside and enjoying dinner or drinks. There are so many options for this in Brooklyn. Even some spots you may not suspect would have outdoor seating may have a back garden to park yourself for the night.

Aside from bars or restaurants with tables in the front or back, there are some amazingly gorgeous spots for an evening picnic in parks around town. Valentino Pier in Red Hook has beautiful views of Lady Liberty and a nice grassy area to spread a blanket for the evening and munch on snacks. Our all time favorite spot is in Brooklyn Bridge Park. The sections in Dumbo tend to get crowded but Pier 6 off of Atlantic Ave is never crowded and has picnic tables right by the water you can sit at while enjoying the Manhattan skyline and whatever goodies you brought.

See this guide put out by Eater New York for 29 Lovely Outdoor Dining Spots in NYC!

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