
Navigating Local Law 97 and Renewable Energy in NYC: What You Need to Know

In the ever-evolving landscape of New York City’s real estate, staying informed about the latest regulations is crucial, especially regarding sustainability and energy efficiency. Local Law 97 has been a focal point of discussions, and recently, the finalized rules shed light on how the city is moving towards a greener future. Whether you’re a renter […]

Brooklyn Real Estate Landscape: The Power of Single Woman Homeownership

As we delve into the exciting realm of Brooklyn real estate, it’s imperative to acknowledge the rising influence of single women in the housing market. In this guide, we’ll explore how real estate agents can effectively engage and empower single women buyers, whether searching for rental properties or looking to make a homeownership investment. 1. […]

Understanding and Managing High Con Edison Bills: A Guide for Brooklyn Home Seekers

We understand that the cost of living in this vibrant borough comes with challenges. One concern that often arises is the spike in your electric bill. You might be asking the question, “Why is my electric bill so high?” Below, We’ll delve into the reasons behind the recent surge in utility costs and explore available […]

How to Select the Right Buyer’s Agent

Start by asking family and friends if they can recommend an agent. Compile a list of several agents and talk to each before choosing one. Look for an agent who listens well and understands your needs, and whose judgment you trust. You should be able to rely on your agent for support, guidance, and insight […]

What is a sponsor unit?

A special category of apartments in New York City are called “sponsor units.” Basically, asponsor unit in a condo building is a residence that has been owned by the developer and it’sgoing up for sale for the first time. Or in the case of a co-op, it is owned by the original owneror the corporation […]

A Timeline For Buying a Home

Figuring out the logistics of when to buy or sell a home—much less trying to do both at the same time—can be confusing. People usually assume they’re the only ones who don’t know this stuff, but the truth is that most people get hung up on at least a few of these steps. Let’s break down […]

Understanding the Challenge of Completing Condo Questionnaires in NYC

If you’re navigating the New York City real estate market as a potential condo buyer or owner looking to refinance, you’ve likely encountered a critical document—the condo questionnaire. This seemingly straightforward form significantly determines your loan eligibility and evaluates your building’s financial health and structural integrity. However, what might seem like a simple task often […]

The Top 9 Insurance Insights for Homebuyers

One of the most overlooked aspects of the buying process is the acquisition of homeowners insurance. Like any type of insurance, it’s important to protect your home from all sorts of unpredictable occurrences – and most times, if you don’t, you’ll end up learning the hard way why you should have.  But aside from common […]

There are More Single Women Homeowners Than Single Men

Happy Women’s History Month! At Realty Collective we find it important to highlight local women owned businesses in Brooklyn. We have a whole blog category dedicated to it. Female owned businesses are an important part of our community and without them we wouldn’t be here, literally, Realty Collective is co-owned by Victoria Alexander, a real […]

Top New York City Interior Design Trends In 2023 For Apartments and Townhomes

New York City is known for its unique and ever-changing interior design trends. As we move through 2023, NYC apartment and townhome owners can stay ahead of the game and keep their homes chic by incorporating some of the top interior design trends. This guide will provide an overview of New York City apartment designs […]