
Navigating Local Law 97 and Renewable Energy in NYC: What You Need to Know

In the ever-evolving landscape of New York City’s real estate, staying informed about the latest regulations is crucial, especially regarding sustainability and energy efficiency. Local Law 97 has been a focal point of discussions, and recently, the finalized rules shed light on how the city is moving towards a greener future. Whether you’re a renter or a property owner in Brooklyn, understanding these regulations is essential. Continue reading for the key aspects of Local Law 97 and explore the opportunities it presents for renewable energy credits in NYC.

Local Law 97 Overview:

Local Law 97, part of New York City’s Climate Mobilization Act, aims to reduce carbon emissions from large buildings, marking a significant step towards a more sustainable urban environment. The finalized rules provide a more precise roadmap for compliance, offering property owners and renters a better understanding of what to expect.

Key Points to Note:

1. Emission Targets:

  • Buildings over 25,000 square feet are subject to emission limits.
  • Compliance deadlines are set based on building classifications.

It’s crucial to be aware of these targets, as they will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of real estate in NYC.

2. Renewable Energy Credits (RECs):

  • The finalized rules emphasize the role of Renewable Energy Credits in achieving compliance.
  • Property owners can now use RECs acquired in good faith towards their emission reduction targets.

This provides property owners a valuable avenue to explore renewable energy options while fulfilling regulatory requirements.

Renewable Energy Opportunities:

1. Solar Power Incentives:

  • NYC offers various incentives for solar installations, encouraging property owners to harness the sun’s power.
  • The NYC Solar Map provides information on solar potential for your property.

Exploring solar options contributes to environmental goals and can lead to long-term cost savings.

2. Energy Efficiency Programs:

  • Con Edison offers energy efficiency programs for both residential and commercial properties.
  • The NYSERDA website provides information on available programs and incentives.

Implementing energy-efficient measures aligns with Local Law 97 and enhances your property’s overall value and appeal.

Reassurance for Renters:

If you’re a renter in Brooklyn, it’s natural to wonder how Local Law 97 might impact you. The good news is that compliance primarily falls on property owners. However, it’s worth openly communicating with your landlord to ensure that the building is on track to meet the emission targets. Additionally, as the city embraces renewable energy, renters may witness an improved overall living experience, lower utility bills, and a greener, healthier environment.

Navigating Local Law 97 in NYC – A Sustainable Future for Brooklyn’s Real Estate

In conclusion, the finalized rules for Local Law 97 bring clarity and set the stage for a more sustainable future in New York City. Whether you’re a property owner or a renter in Brooklyn, understanding the implications and opportunities presented by these regulations is vital. Embracing renewable energy ensures compliance and contributes to a cleaner, more resilient urban landscape.

As we navigate these changes together, staying informed and exploring the available resources and incentives is essential. The links in this blog offer valuable information to guide you toward a more sustainable and energy-efficient real estate experience in NYC.


If you’re interested in learning about buying or selling in Brooklyn, download our free Buying Into Brooklyn Ebook or our Seller’s Guide. We share a ton of valuable resources to demystify the buying and selling process.

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