
Hiking Season has Begun!

Yes we know that hardcore hikers have been dong this all along. Hiking through the cold and icy months while we all stay indoors like chumps. Our amazingly tough postal worker that brings our mail to 223 Columbia Street has been telling us of his winter hiking adventures where he hikes to the highest peaks […]

Brooklyn Daytripper: Hudson Valley

The Hudson Valley, with it’s idyllic small towns overlooking the river, is only a 90 minute drive from us and a perfect day trip if you want to get away from the city and find some peace and quiet. There are plenty of options for all types of activities but for a general view of […]

Brooklyn Day-tripper: Breakneck Ridge Trail

So far Fall has been unseasonably warm and last Saturday was no exception.  With temperatures in the upper 60’s, it was a great day to get outside and we decided to take the opportunity to go hiking up in the Hudson Valley. The trail loop we picked was Breakneck Ridge and it is aptly named.  […]