
Hiking Season has Begun!

Yes we know that hardcore hikers have been dong this all along. Hiking through the cold and icy months while we all stay indoors like chumps. Our amazingly tough postal worker that brings our mail to 223 Columbia Street has been telling us of his winter hiking adventures where he hikes to the highest peaks all by himself even in February! For the rest of us, the weather is finally getting to the point where trekking around upstate or in the Hudson Valley sounds like an ideal weekend getaway. In fact, soon it’ll be too hot! Right now, however, it’s been in the 60s or 70s, the trees and flowers are blooming and this Saturday in particular looks like it’s going to be lovely!

There are plenty of options if you have transportation but if you’re planning on relying on public transit, check out this recently updated guide put out by NYCurbed.

Bring your sunscreen, take your Zyrtec and enjoy a spring hike!

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