
What You Need To Know About 2019 Taxes

Tax season is here, and while it’s on many people’s to-do lists, there are some things you should know about filing your 2019 taxes this year. You may remember that when The Tax Cut and Jobs Act was rolled out several years ago, it was a very confusing time for most everyone. The change of […]

What Could the Coronavirus Possibly Have to Do With Your Mortgage?

OK, we were surprised, too. But what at first sounds ridiculous can actually be pretty quickly connected to this week’s decision by the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by half of a percent as an effort to head off the potential negative effects of the coronavirus on the economy. And while you might be […]

Don’t Get Catfished This Valentine’s- 6 Cat-Traps That Snare First-Time Buyers

Don’t Get Cat Fished! Common Mistakes Buyers Should Not Make Having an advocate by your side is an invaluable resource in your Brooklyn real estate search, since it can be easy to miss something when you don’t have a seasoned professional by your side. Even in the Google era, online savvy can’t replace agent experience […]

NYC Open House Guide For Sellers (Part 1): 

Series: Open House Rules Sellers Need To Know Before They List! Rule 1: Timing When it comes to the open house, how do you know whether your agent is doing it right—from picking the optimal time slot, to advertising in the right places, to showing up prepared? Make sure you ask these qualifying questions of […]

We’ve Moved!

We’ve Moved! Our Main Office Is Located At: 351 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, NY 11231  

The RC Family Brag Letter

The RC Family Brag Letter Growing up my family, a brag letter was not something my family participated in, but I recently realized from another business owner that my RC Family was something I should be bragging about. I am so proud of the work my family is doing both in and out of the […]

Q&A with Residency Unlimited’s Elsie Kagan

We’ve partnered with Residency Unlimited and are co-sponsoring another exhibition of theirs titled RU Exhibition: Reclamation. Don’t miss this spectacular show staring the work of  Ahmed Alasad, Mariam Alnoaimi, Elsie Kagan, Judith Leinen and  Ran Zhou. As their installations will be up for view now until November 10th at Compère Collective located on 351 Van Brunt St, […]

Q&A with Residency Unlimited’s Ran Zhou

We’ve partnered with Residency Unlimited and are co-sponsoring another exhibition of theirs titled RU Exhibition: Reclamation. Don’t miss this spectacular show staring the work of  Ahmed Alasad, Mariam Alnoaimi, Elsie Kagan, Judith Leinen and  Ran Zhou. As their installations will be up for view now until November 10th at Compère Collective located on 351 Van Brunt St, […]

Q&A with Residency Unlimited’s Mariam Alnoaimi

We are proud to announce that we have partnered again with Residency Unlimited and will be co-sponsoring another exhibition of theirs titled RU Exhibition: Reclamation. This November you will be able to able to witness the work of Ahmed Alasad, Mariam Alnoaimi, Elsie Kagan, Judith Leinen and  Ran Zhou. As their installations will be up […]

Q&A with Residency Unlimited’s Judith Leinen

We are proud to announce that we have partnered again with Residency Unlimited and will be co-sponsoring another exhibition of theirs titled RU Exhibition: Reclamation. This November you will be able to able to witness the work of Ahmed Alasad, Mariam Alnoaimi, Elsie Kagan, Judith Leinen and  Ran Zhou. As their installations will be up […]