
Brooklyn Pizza Event Tonight.

For all Brooklyn Historical Society members here is a discount alert.  For all pizza lovers here is an awesome event alert! Brooklyn Brainery and BHS present Brooklyn Pizza:The Search for Authenticity at 7pm tonight at the Brooklyn Historical Society (128 Pierrepont St).  Tickets are $12 for the general public and members get them for $8! […]

CitiBike Bike Share Program Comes to Red Hook by Maryam Daghmoumi

    When the CitiBike program launched a few years ago, a lot of local residents (including myself) were left scratching our heads. Why hadn’t they placed any stations in transportation lacking neighborhoods like Red Hook, Columbia Waterfront or Gowanus.    The point of a bike-share program is to alleviate congested traffic conditions and provide […]

Spotlight on BWAC Art Show in Red Hook.

We saw this great write up in Huffington Post on the BWAC Art Show and thought we’d share it.  Delicious and acclaimed restaurants, great shopping, visual art shows and performing arts productions.  All of thes things make Red Hook a lovely destination for a day trip (and a great place to live and work!). This article focuses not only on the […]

24 Hour Long Ragas Live Festival at Pioneer Works this Weekend.

Come to Red Hook this weekend, July 23rd and 24th, for the Ragas Live Festival.  Raga, meaning “color the mind”, are “musical modes or essences from the Indian Classical Music tradition”.  More than 70 musicians will be performing at this 2 day festival and by 2 days this means that performances will begin at noon […]

James Galvin and Mary-Louise Parker at Book Court.

This is an exciting event to mark on your calendar.  Monday, July 25th, poet James Galvin will be at Book Court signing his new book of poetry Everything We Always Knew Was True and actress Mary-Louise Parker will also be there!  There will be a reading and Q & A in addition to the book […]

Free Ice Cream in Brooklyn Heights Tomorrow!

The Haagen-Dazs shop at 120 Montague in Brooklyn Heights, which is the first one ever opened, will be celebrating a grand re-opening this weekend with free cones and more.  See more info below. On Saturday, July 16, Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams will lead a ribbon cutting ceremony at 10:45am to help open the shop. Then, between 11am and […]

Nothin’s Gonna Change My World at The Waterfront Museum.

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday night are the last nights to see this performance piece.  It’s such a unique experience to watch a play in a setting like The Waterfront Museum.  It really adds to the feel of a piece and makes you feel like you’re in it as well.  You can click here buy […]

Smorgasburg in Prospect Park!

We’ve been writing a lot about summer events and things we love about these warmer months and Smorgasburg can not go unmentioned.  We ventured out to the location in Prospect Park recently and have to say that it is our favorite spot so far! Plenty of shade and spaces to picnic.  There are different ways […]

Summer Events by Ronica Webb

  It’s officially summer and I have decided to take advantage of all the FREE soiree’s happening in NYC. I started off with getting a free helmets from Bike Smart! and signing up for free bike safety lessons and cycling classes for my kids. Learn to Ride and NYC Parks will be holding several events […]

Help PortSide Reach Their June Goal for Red Hook WaterStories.

We’ve always been a strong supporter of PortSide New York and we’d like to urge everyone to review the info below and, if you can, donate to Red Hook WaterStories and help them make their June goal.  They are trying to make it to $20,000 by the end of the month, which is coming up […]