
Nothin’s Gonna Change My World at The Waterfront Museum.

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday night are the last nights to see this performance piece.  It’s such a unique experience to watch a play in a setting like The Waterfront Museum.  It really adds to the feel of a piece and makes you feel like you’re in it as well.  You can click here buy tickets or to read more about this play, or check out the description below.

nothin’s gonna change my world is an episodic play/performance piece, an immersive meditation on the dislocated and relocated in search of that mythological place called home. Glimpsing stories from across the nation inspired by NPR reports, the anonymous letters of Found Magazine, RV living blogs, the Occupy Movement and more, audiences are invited to a unique local setting conjuring the vastness of our country to reflect on the universal yearning to belong in our current American landscape.

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