
Help PortSide Reach Their June Goal for Red Hook WaterStories.

We’ve always been a strong supporter of PortSide New York and we’d like to urge everyone to review the info below and, if you can, donate to Red Hook WaterStories and help them make their June goal.  They are trying to make it to $20,000 by the end of the month, which is coming up soon.  To read more about PortSide click here.


Help PortSide NewYork create a great educational project about – and for – Red Hook, Brooklyn!  Red Hook WaterStories (RHWS). RHWS maps 400+ years of waterfront history and boosts cultural tourism and resiliency, as in helping Sandy-devastated Red Hook prepare for future floods.  RHWS makes Red Hook an educational site for locals and visitors.

What we are making

By end of June 2016, PortSide will launch pilots of several RHWS products. The jewel is an interactive multimedia map, where clicking on dots reveals info about a location — articles, photos, engravings, videos, and/or oral histories, and the map includes shopping/dining info. We’re creating a companion hardcopy visitor guide, and signs with QR codes around the neighborhood to alert people to the website. More elements planned for the future.

What are Red Hook WaterStories

The history of Red Hook, Brooklyn via a water theme. How people lived and worked on the waterfront, reshaped the shoreline — in microcosm, New York City’s maritime story.  

Topics include: Native Americans, early Dutch tidal mills, buildings and street names with a maritime past, harbor connections to unexpected things, maritime history and current maritime activity in Red Hook and visible from here. Significant ethnic groups who worked the waterfront, real estate development, inventions, squatters, marine life, changing shoreline, flooding, Superstorm Sandy.  

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