
One More Day to Buy Tickets for Sunday Brunch supporting Red Hook Farms

This Sunday, June 30th, is a lovely event supporting a wonderful cause and sponsored by out friends at RE:GEN:CY. We wanted to spread the word about this today because you only have until tomorrow to reply. Read below about what to expect and find the link within to read more about the chef, menu and […]

RHI Project: Red Hook Farms

Many who are unfamiliar with Red Hook may be amazed to learn that we have our very own farm. Yup, we grow organic vegetable is the Hook! We are pleased to announce that local organization, Red Hook Initiative is expanding and taking on Red Hook Farms as their project. Read below for more info! And […]

CSA Sign-Up Time!

Summer is approaching which means it’s time to sign-up with your neighborhood CSA for the season and start picking up your share of fruits and/or veggies very soon.  The Red Hook CSA registration is now open and pick up will begin on June 14th. The general information for that is below.  You can click here […]

Red Hook CSA 2016 Adds Pick-Up Option.

We love our Red Hook CSA and have been members for years.  For those of you who haven’t joined in the past because you couldn’t swing picking up at the farm on Saturdays, you now have a weekday option!  For their 2016 season the Red Hook CSA is partnering with Pioneer Works, at 159 Pioneer […]