
Best Brooklyn Splash Pads for Cooling Off this Summer

We are definitely feeling the heat this week. We’ve had a 10 to 15 degree temperature increase and it officially feels like the middle of summer here in Brooklyn. This just so happens to coincide with kids getting out of school yesterday. So, what to do with the little ones on hot hot days. Well, […]

Open Runs Through Brooklyn Bridge Park.

 This has been going on for a while but we wanted to pass along the info in case some of you don’t already know about it. The New York Road Runners (NYRR) host a free evening run at Brooklyn Bridge Park, starting at Pier 6, every Tuesday night.  Now is a great time to start […]

Free Public Lectures on a Floating Lighthouse Tonight.

If you are looking for something to do tonight (before the debates of course!) we have got a very cool one-of-a-kind event for you!  The Nantucket Lightship, a historic floating light house docked at Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier 6, is hosting a free public talk tonight aboard the ship at 6pm.  The topic?  The challenge […]