
Open Runs Through Brooklyn Bridge Park.

 This has been going on for a while but we wanted to pass along the info in case some of you don’t already know about it. The New York Road Runners (NYRR) host a free evening run at Brooklyn Bridge Park, starting at Pier 6, every Tuesday night.  Now is a great time to start while the weather is nice and cool!

New York Road Runners invite you to join their free Tuesday night Open Runs! Whether you’re a first time runner, a seasoned marathoner, or you prefer to walk, you’re welcome along. No need to register in advance; sign-in takes place on site. Volunteers track the timing and marshal the course, but please leave your valuables at home as bag check is not provided. To participate, meet on the path south of Fornino at Pier 6 at 6:45pm for registration. The run begins at 7:00pm and the course comprises a full 5K.

NYRR Open Runs are open to all ages. Strollers and dogs on leashes welcome.

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