
Want to Get a Pet in Brooklyn? 4 Tips to Convince Your Landlord

Finding a rental that will let you bring your pet along can be a difficult task, especially in a market that’s already filled with seemingly endless applicants and bidding wars. But there are a few creative ways to convince your landlord to let you have a pet, whether you’ve already signed a lease with them […]

Everything You Need to Know About NYC’s Affordable Housing Lottery

One of the best ways to find a rent-stabilized apartment in New York City is through NYC Housing Connect — also known as the affordable housing lottery. These units are for low-income tenants, and rent is well below market rate. Monthly payments are also protected from the huge annual increases that are so common in […]

Did Someone Say Summer Slow Down?

How To Take Advantage of Today’s Unique Real Estate Deals Normally in the world of real estate, summer is booming. But this year, because of record-high home prices, rising interest rates, plunging cryptocurrency and stock markets, and potential  layoff concerns, we’re feeling a different vibe. Things are slowing down because a significant percentage of the […]

Co-op and Condo Insurance — Tips to Find the Best Coverage + Prices in Brooklyn

Finding the best insurance for co-ops and condos in Brooklyn can be tricky. This is mainly due to the fact that our buildings already offer some level of coverage to their residents. So, you want to find the best possible price on your personal insurance, but you also need to make sure you’re protected in […]

Summer 2022: To Rent or To Buy?

As of July 2022, renters are having a rough go of it. Rents have been steadily increasing to meet higher demand & to combat increasing expenses for landlords (read: inflation); some even going so far as to offer gifts & crazy increased rents to secure their apartment. The whole rental process can be daunting, more […]

Women-Owned Business Spotlight: Gwen from Gwen Beloti Jewelry

At RC, we do the best we can to support not only local, but minority-owned businesses. There’s no better way to stimulate the local economy plus you’re bound to find something unique & meaningful! This month, we spoke with Gwen Beloti from Gwen Beloti Jewelry, a Brooklyn-based,  black woman-owned, & size-inclusive jewelry company. Hear about […]

Moving With Kids Part Three: Preparing For a New School

Moving homes is one thing — starting a new school with new teachers, friends, activities, and schedules is another. We’ve gathered some expert advice and formed it into do’s and don’t’s to help your child have the easiest possible transition into their new learning environment. Do help them break the ice. Get a class list […]

UPCOMING EVENTS : Red Hook, Brooklyn

Summer is just about here, especially in water-side Red Hook – which means there are plenty of events popping up all over town! Below are a few upcoming event in the next couple of weeks: Thursday, May 19, 2022 Red Hook Labs- Time Entry TicketsDate and Time – Friday April 15, 2022 at 1:00pm to July […]

Women-Owned Business Series: Diana from Lifted Life Coaching

Our next woman-owned business feature is Diana from Lifted Life Coaching! As an Elevation Coach, Diana works with individuals in Brooklyn and beyond to help them elevate their life so they can reach their dreams. She talked to us about why she feels such a strong calling to her work, and how the pandemic made […]

Women-Owned Business Series: Kara Gordon, Yoga Instructor

Kara Gordon is inspirational in more ways than one! She works full-time as a type designer, but has a successful side business teaching yoga as well. As much as she loves each of her ventures, her yoga instruction gives Brooklyn —and the rest of the world via Zoom— an outstanding opportunity. Read on to hear […]