
Prospect Park Alliance Harvest Festival

Did you know that we are celebrating Prospect Park’s 150th anniversary this year? We are so lucky to have this sprawling gorgeous park as Brooklyn’s backyard.  Coming up is just one of the many events that the Prospect Park Alliance hosts, the Harvest Festival.  It’s time to start having Autumn fun! Sunday, September 24th from […]

It’s Time for the Southwest Brooklyn Fall Festival! by Sandra Manley

Looking for some Fall fun? The Southwest Brooklyn Fall Festival has been scheduled for Saturday, September 16th from 12pm to 5pm, The festival will feature plenty of food, live music, and arts and crafts. It will run along Columbia Street (from Degraw to Union) and Union Street (from Columbia to Hicks). The Southwest Brooklyn Fall Festival attracts more than 2,500 people from all over […]

Sunset Park Library Meeting Next Week.

A brand new library is coming to Sunset Park with the help of the Fifth Avenue Committee and Brooklyn Public Library. The project will not only redevelop the community space in the ever-growing neighborhood of Sunset Park but will also include affordable housing. This is an extremely innovative idea and there will be a meeting […]

Looking Forward to Fall

On this rainy and cooler day, as we sit looking at the 7 day forecast and see absolutely no more 80 degree days in our future, we are thinking of the Fall.  It’s right around the corner and, though we are sad to see the summer go, we need to remind ourselves of all the […]

Pier 5 Boathouse Opening this Fall.

Brooklyn Bridge Park is always evolving.  Some of you may be going to enjoy this wide expansive space on this gorgeous day! When it first opened we remember going every once in a while and usually seeing something new as the piers opened one by one.  Most recently it was the Pier 5 uplands, which […]

Saying Goodbye to Summer Checklist

There are only a few days left to August and it’s always sad to see this month end.  It flies by swiftly and we come to realize there are so many summery events, places, and happenings that we have yet to experience this year! We’ve put together a list for anyone who feels the same […]

Labor Day West Indian Carnival and More

Labor Day along Eastern Parkway becomes a sea of colorfully-dressed West Indian American parade goers celebrating and dancing down the street.  Also known as the New York Caribbean Carnival, this event is amazingly vibrant. It’s a wonderful experience to feel so much joy and pride surrounding you and it’s hard not to get wrapped up […]

Erie Canal Bicentennial Celebration in Red Hook!

On September 3rd at 8pm join the Waterfront Museum in Red Hook to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Erie Canal, a 363 mile long canal that runs through New York. The Heartland Passage Tour  is the name of this celebration that will entail a concert and movie screening.  Read more about the event and […]

School Supply Donations Needed

Soon it will be “back to school” time for parents and students around the New York City area and this means many of us are getting a list-full of school supplies at our local office supply chain, drug store or ordering them online.  School begins on September 7th and many have already begun shopping after […]

Pig Island is September 9th in Red Hook.

We remember the very first Pig Island, which was a pig feast that took place on Governors Island originally, and it feels like such a short time ago.  We can’t believe it is going on it’s 8th year! It has since moved to Red Hook and will take place at Eerie Basin Park on September […]