
Volunteers Needed to Clean Up Valentino Pier.

We saw this flyer posted at Valentino Pier the other day and wanted to spread the word.  Tuesday, August 16th from 5pm-7pm volunteers are needed to clean-up the pier and park.  For anyone who is free that night and would like to help out their community mark your calendars and RSVP here.  Clean up supplies […]

Update on New Restaurant Coming to Columbia Street.

The spot on Columbia, which formerly housed the restaurant Orchard, now has signage!  Above the door painted on the top of the metal gate it says “Handsome Drakes”.  We previously reported that this place may be called DeKalb Duck bc that was the LLC name but we’re confirming otherwise.  We also found out some more […]

August in Brooklyn by Darlene Miller.

Why has August arrived so soon? I haven’t checked off half of my Brooklyn In July Oh Yeah list and here is August in full swing. Summer goes by so quickly.  I haven’t dined al fresco enough or been to as many outdoor films and concerts as I would have liked.  Ok, August, I’m going to try […]

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