
CityKids Foundation Benefit August 25th


We wanted to share some information for a benefit being hosted by Susan Povich and Ralph Gorman, of Red Hook Lobster Pound, and the founder of CityKids, Laurie Meadoff.  It will be August 25th from 6-9pm in Rockaway and with yummy food (of course!), drinks, and entertainment it should be a fun night for a good cause.  For more info on the event and to buy tickets click here.  More about the foundation below.

The CityKids Foundation is devoted to the innovation of cutting edge youth development programs and empowering individuals through the idea of turning pain into purpose.  The foundation trains tens of thousands of young people to be leaders and motivated agents of social change. CityKids’ mission focuses on four key principles: leadership development, fostering youth-to-youth communication, bridging multi-cultural gaps, and promoting physical, social, mental and spiritual safe spaces.

Through the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) and The Rockaway Waterfront Alliance, CityKids currently working with young people at RISE (Rockaway Institute for a Sustainable Environment) with an arts and leadership program.   The goal is to ensure these participants develop leadership skills and open their artistic expression with movement/dance, music and video production.

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