
Spotlight on Weeksville Heritage Center by Shyda Hoque

Have you taken a tour of the Weeksville Heritage Center off of the A stop at Utica yet?  The center is celebrating 50 years and is one of the few remaining historic sites of pre-Civil War African American communities. James Weeks, along with several other African American investors, purchased land in response to the 1826 […]

A Day at Brooklyn Museum and Upcoming Exhibits.

We spent a lovely day at the Brooklyn Museum the other day and wanted to share some photos in the gallery below.  Beyond looking at their extensive collection of art and historical items, we enjoyed reveling at the immensity of the architecture and details of the interior.  It is a gorgeous building inside and out and […]

Neighboring Walls Art Exhibit.

We love our Brooklyn art communities. Art is a major factor when we talk about the vitality and energy within our infamous borough.  The idea of opening up artists studios and the community being invited to view their work is not a new one.  Open Studios has been around for a while in several different […]

Free Fridays at Brooklyn Historical Society.

This sound amazing!  Not only is Brooklyn Historical society free on certain Fridays they also have special performances, live music and beer!  Every month (taking breaks in the summer months) will be a different theme and since this week will be April Fools Day they’ll have performances to match!  See below for more info on […]