
Women-Owned Business Series: Sara from Juniper Wellness

Welcome back to our Women-Owned Business Series! We’re excited to highlight Sara from Juniper Wellness Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. After witnessing too many women whose issues were not taken seriously by medical professionals, Sara set out to build a wellness community dedicated to healing the root of problematic symptoms. Read about her journey below. First, […]

NYC Apartment-Hunters: Beware of This Listing Scam

The phrase “scam-based economy” seems to be popping up more frequently in online discourse — and it’s no wonder. Over the past few decades, scamming has become both easier and more lucrative for unscrupulous types given the relative anonymity of the internet. And when scammy internet-driven activity meets the decadent and sometimes shady world of […]

Guide to Dealing with Mold in Your NYC Apartment

Your landlord is responsible for keeping your home and building safe and livable at all times. This is called the “Warranty of Habitability.” Having a record of notifying your landlord makes for a stronger legal case. If your landlord has already been unresponsive to your requests to make repairs, a letter is a great tactic […]

The Landlord’s Overview of HPD Violations

The reality of being a landlord is that things can (and will) go wrong with properties you own — and you’ll have to assume responsibility for making them right again. While a broken ceiling tile can almost certainly wait till the weekend, other fixes require an immediate response. When those more serious concerns aren’t addressed […]

Attract High-Potential Tenants With Central AC in Your NYC Brownstone

It’s not just your imagination, summers really are getting hotter–especially if the current scorcher is any indication. Therefore, it’s more important than ever for you as a homeowner or seller to make sure your brownstone is equipped for record high temperatures if you want to attract high potential tenants.  Here’s what you need to know […]

5 Tips for Making Your NYC Home Allergy-Free

Pollen counts are at their peak in NYC in April, May, and September. So even if you’re still feeling them now, we’re sorry to say that you only have a short reprieve before you get hit with them in in a few months.   Of course, you can take over-the-counter medications to calm your symptoms or […]

Are You Responsible for Repairing a Sidewalk in Front of Your NYC Home?

As a kid, you may have heard that rhyme, “step on a crack, break your mother’s back” (sorry mom!). As an adult, a sidewalk crack could mean a whole lot more trouble than that. Broken sidewalks are considered a danger to pedestrians and New York City law holds homeowners responsible for fixing the sidewalks in […]

6 Tips for Staging Your NYC Home on a Budget

Given last year’s slowdown in the real estate market, staging your home is more important than ever if you hope to lock down a sale. You might think you need a bunch of money to properly stage a property, but that’s not the case. So don’t worry, no one’s asking you to win the lottery […]

6 Ways to Bust Dust in Your NYC Apartment

Dust is a serious health hazard. Long-term exposure to high levels of dust in your NYC home can trigger asthma, allergies, headaches, dizziness, nausea, or even make you snore. It can also make your appliances less functional, clogging up your air conditioner and damaging your air quality.  Regular cleaning is the obvious solution to keeping […]

What You Need to Know About New York’s Good Cause Eviction Law

Thanks to the new Good Cause Eviction Law, many New Yorkers are now protected from eviction or big rent hikes as of April 20th. What this means is that landlords must have a good reason to evict a market-rate tenant, and are now required to justify raising a tenant’s rent by a certain threshold. (Previously, […]