
Attract High-Potential Tenants With Central AC in Your NYC Brownstone

It’s not just your imagination, summers really are getting hotter–especially if the current scorcher is any indication. Therefore, it’s more important than ever for you as a homeowner or seller to make sure your brownstone is equipped for record high temperatures if you want to attract high potential tenants.  Here’s what you need to know […]

Are You Responsible for Repairing a Sidewalk in Front of Your NYC Home?

As a kid, you may have heard that rhyme, “step on a crack, break your mother’s back” (sorry mom!). As an adult, a sidewalk crack could mean a whole lot more trouble than that. Broken sidewalks are considered a danger to pedestrians and New York City law holds homeowners responsible for fixing the sidewalks in […]

Understanding the Rise in NYC Housing Costs: A Decade of Growth

Over the past decade, the landscape of New York City’s housing market has undergone significant transformation, with costs surging by a staggering 68%. According to a recent report, this rise, the highest jump across the United States, undoubtedly impacts the lives of countless NYC residents. However, understanding the factors behind this increase can illuminate the […]

Inheriting Parents’ House: Modern Considerations & Financial Insights

Inheriting a family home is a significant milestone, marked by both emotional attachment and practical considerations. However, in today’s real estate climate, the decision-making process has evolved, driven by rising costs and changing generational preferences. Let’s delve into the modern approach to inheriting your parent’s house and the financial questions you should consider. Rising Costs […]