
Brooklyn Real Estate Landscape: The Power of Single Woman Homeownership

As we delve into the exciting realm of Brooklyn real estate, it’s imperative to acknowledge the rising influence of single women in the housing market. In this guide, we’ll explore how real estate agents can effectively engage and empower single women buyers, whether searching for rental properties or looking to make a homeownership investment. 1. […]

Aztech Recognition Agreements: What You Need to Know

Anyone who has purchased a co-op apartment in New York City has heard of the Aztech Recognition Agreement (a.k.a Aztec form). It’s required by the bank to get a loan and originals are necessary for the purchase application. However, most co-op owners do not know what it’s for or what it does. An Aztec form […]

Navigating New York Heating Laws in Your Brooklyn Apartment: A Guide for Renters

Finding the perfect apartment in Brooklyn can be an exciting endeavor. Still, sometimes, unexpected challenges arise, such as issues with heating systems. If you’ve found yourself in a situation where your apartment lacks proper heating, rest assured that you’re not alone. There are steps you can take to address this concern promptly and effectively Understanding […]

Understanding and Managing High Con Edison Bills: A Guide for Brooklyn Home Seekers

We understand that the cost of living in this vibrant borough comes with challenges. One concern that often arises is the spike in your electric bill. You might be asking the question, “Why is my electric bill so high?” Below, We’ll delve into the reasons behind the recent surge in utility costs and explore available […]

Coping with the Loss of a Pet in NYC: A Guide for NYC Residents

Losing a beloved pet is an emotionally challenging experience, and navigating the practical aspects of handling the situation can be equally overwhelming. Being animal-lover ourselves, we wish we can say we haven’t been there, but unfortunately, it’s part of life. Here are some resources to help you navigate the necessary steps if you lose your […]

How to Select the Right Buyer’s Agent

Start by asking family and friends if they can recommend an agent. Compile a list of several agents and talk to each before choosing one. Look for an agent who listens well and understands your needs, and whose judgment you trust. You should be able to rely on your agent for support, guidance, and insight […]

Empower Yourself: Keys to Confident Home Buying in NYC

Are you dreaming of calling the vibrant city of New York your home but find the idea of buying a property overwhelming? The bustling real estate market of NYC may seem daunting, but what if we told you that you’re more ready than you think? In our free, virtual workshop, Kristen Euretig, a seasoned Certified […]

Condo vs Co-op: Downpayment and Asset Requirements

Most co-ops require buyers to put down 20-25% of the purchase price, about the same as what most lenders require these days. But the range can be vast, depending on the co-op—anywhere from 10% down (rare) to 50% or more at higher-end buildings. Co-ops also expect you to have sufficient money left over (also known […]

What is a sponsor unit?

A special category of apartments in New York City are called “sponsor units.” Basically, asponsor unit in a condo building is a residence that has been owned by the developer and it’sgoing up for sale for the first time. Or in the case of a co-op, it is owned by the original owneror the corporation […]

How to Spot a Friendly Co-op or Condo Board

When you buy a co-op or condo in New York City, it’s easy to focus more on the apartment (its price, size, and location) than the building–let alone the personality and temperament of the co-op or condo board that runs it. But make no mistake: Beyond deciding whether you may become an owner in the […]

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