
Nicholas Brooklyn is Expanding by Yanique Berry

Great News for Bed Stuy! By Summer 2016 Nicholas Brooklyn will be opening its third location, which will be on Fulton St. This store carries organic and natural products that are soothing to the mind, body and soul. From tonics, to supplements, to hair, skin and body products. The local residents will have a wide […]

Cookies for a Cause by Jane Herro

I donated to the bake sale for a Red Hook jewelry client of mine, Erykah, who was raising money for her 3rd grader at PS 15 to go on an overnight field trip with her class to the American Museum of Natural History. I remember looking forward to field trips as a kid and was […]

Red Hook Pre-Prom Pep Rally is Thursday!

  The Pep Rally is this Thursday and we are so excited!  Read all about it below (and check out a pic of Victoria in her sweet 80’s cocktail dress).  Come out and drop, swap or shop!  “Let’s get ready to PARTY!!!!!”….   Join Cora Dance on April 7th from 6:45pm-9:00pm at Realty Collective, 351 Van Brunt Street, for […]

Red Hook Integrated Flood Protection System Meeting Next Week.

This is the second public meeting to discuss and ask questions about the Red Hook Integrated Flood Protection System (IFPS).  It will be held on Thursday April 7th at 6:30pm at the Miccio Community Center. That’s at 110 West 9th Street.  Please share this flyer with other Red Hook residents and business owners that you […]

Reminder: It’s Participatory Budgeting Vote Week!

First of all, if you don’t know what participatory budgeting is you should watch this video.  It’s very informative. A brief description is that the community members get to vote on where a certain amount of budget goes towards improvements around the neighborhood from a list of projects. For example, there are  more than a […]

Free Fridays at Brooklyn Historical Society.

This sound amazing!  Not only is Brooklyn Historical society free on certain Fridays they also have special performances, live music and beer!  Every month (taking breaks in the summer months) will be a different theme and since this week will be April Fools Day they’ll have performances to match!  See below for more info on […]

Pizza and “The Good Dinosaur” this Friday at Elite Fitness Studio.

Join Sensei John of Johnny Karate for a pizza and movie night at Elite Fitness in Columbia Waterfront.  It’s located at 111 Union Street.  All the info is below.  The film they will be showing on Friday is The Good Dinosaur.  You must RSVP and pay by today if you’re planning on attending. The phone […]

Red Hook Youth Internship and Opportunity Fair.

Save the date for this youth internship and opportunity fair at the Miccio Center in Red Hook Brooklyn. Please share with any families who you think could benefit from this fair and spread the word! The Red Hook Community Justice Center in partnership with Community Board 6, Red Hook Initiative and Good Shepherds Services,  will […]

Sip into Spring PTA Event April 16th.

The PTA’s around the neighborhood have events throughout the year and usually have one big event to try to raise funds that they need to meet their annual goal.  Sip into Spring is the big fundraiser for Kensington’s PS 230.  This is a very diverse school, both culturally and socioeconomically, and they could really use […]

Mark your Calendars! The Red Hook Prom’s Pep Rally is Coming Soon!

One of our favorite events of the year is the Red Hook Prom, which we are proudly sponsoring! We are so excited that this year there will be a pep rally in April leading up the to May 7th Prom.  Read more about it below and mark your calendars for April 7th! “Let’s get ready […]