
Cookies for a Cause by Jane Herro

I donated to the bake sale for a Red Hook jewelry client of mine, Erykah, who was raising money for her 3rd grader at PS 15 to go on an overnight field trip with her class to the American Museum of Natural History. I remember looking forward to field trips as a kid and was sad to hear that there was a chance that they wouldn’t be able to go! So I baked in my oven for the first time in awhile, and my raisin-cherry-almond oatmeal cookies didn’t turn out so bad (pictured above).
The bake sale was held last Saturday on Van Brunt between Wolcott and Dikeman (right down the street from the Van Brunt RC office) and the few times I passed by, it was busy! Kids dancing and singing in front of a table full of delicious, donated baked goods. I couldn’t tell if the pile of cookies I baked was getting smaller…but I hope someone enjoyed them. The sale was donation-based (pay what you can) and will be added to the go-fund me site, which has passed the halfway point! They are also still taking donations!
It was fun to bake again and felt better to give the batch of cookies away for a good cause rather than eat all of them 🙂
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