
Red Hook Meet Your Neighbors Event.

Calling all Red Hook community members! Mark you calendars for this Friday May 4th and stop by our Van Brunt office from 6pm-8pm because we are hosting a “Meet Your Neighbors” happy hour event. The fabulous Cora Dance will be performing and Council Member Carlos Menchaca will be our guest speaker for the evening. Another […]

Red Hook Crit is Tomorrow!

If you have been counting down the days until Red Hook Crit then you must be excited to have only one more to go! We enjoy being one of the spectators every year and this year the forecast for mild weather and lots of sun is a nice bonus. Along with this annual cycle race […]

Buying into Brooklyn Crash Course on Monday.

Realty Collective will be hosting another workshop for first-time home buyers on Monday at Brooklyn Brewery. Join RC’s owner, Victoria Hagman, and agents Jane Herro and Tina Fallon at Brooklyn Brewery on April 23rd as they share tips and answer questions alongside mortgage professionals, Mark Maimon and Gabi Feuer  and real estate attorney, Rashidah Siddiqui.  We know that purchasing in Brooklyn […]

Underwater ROV demonstration at PortSide tomorrow!

We’ve gotten some thrilling information from a friend at PortSide New York about a special event happening tomorrow at their site, 190 Pioneer! This demo will feature an underwater ROV, which stands for remotely operated vehicle. So basically an underwater drone. Very cool! This is a perfect after school experience since it begins at 4pm […]

Brooklyn Baby and Family Expo this Sunday in Gowanus

Do you have a young child or are you expecting? If the answer is yes then this event hosted by A Child Grows in Brooklyn might interest you. There will be many products and demos to view but also plenty of samples, such as the Whole Foods free snack bar! This expo highlights local small […]

Save The Date for Red Hook Prom!

This annual fundraiser is one of our favorite events in Brooklyn and we go every year! If you’ve never been here is what to expect. Retro outfits, lots of dancing, snacks, drinks and hanging out with your Red Hook friends and neighbors! We’re sending out this message from Cora Dance for two reason. So you […]

Roundtable Discussion for First-Time Homebuyers with Jane and Shyda!

We love working with first-time home buyers and are looking forward to having an open discussion about making the transition from renter to homeowner. Our goal for this roundtable is to demystify the process and help to get you the most out of your purchase. We’ll examine what you’ll need to consider before you buy […]

Vote Now for Your Neighborhood Improvements.

It’s participatory budgeting vote week right now and there are so many important plans on the ballot in your Brooklyn neighborhoods. We cherish having the ability to decide how money is spent in our areas by nominating and then voting for upgrades or repairs. If you haven’t chosen already uou have until April 15th to […]

Trade Show, Brooklyn Designs, this May at Brooklyn Museum.

This design trade show was founded 15 years ago by the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and his is the first year it will take place at the Brooklyn Museum. It’s an appropriately immense space for an event that has grown to enormous proportions over the years. Brooklyn Designs is the premier show for “interior and […]

Make Music NY Festival Coming to Cobble Hill.

With spring weather on the way it brings the memories of strolling down our neighborhood streets during all of the wonderful street festivals that happen in and around our area over the next several months. We can expect a new one in Cobble Hill this June. Make Music New York, the largest music festival in […]