
100 Days of Impact Offers Free Workshops.

If you are like many Americans that went to the Women’s March on Saturday and are thinking “What can I do now?”, these workshops are for you.  So many of us want to stay active and don’t want the momentum to end.  100 Days of Impact offers free workshops every weekday.  The kick off party […]

The RC Team Marches on NYC and DC!

We couldn’t be prouder of our Realty Collective family, who energetically participated at the Women’s March on DC and it’s sister March on NYC.  RC’s Victoria, Tina, Nils, Shyda, Brice, Chelsea, Tania and Liz A. were chanting among the enormous crowds on Saturday. It was an incredibly powerful experience that we will never forget and looking […]

Introducing RC’s Fallon Team!

RC’s Tina Fallon and Jane Herro have collaborated on a number of sales and rental listings, which has worked out so well for them and for their clients that they’ve decided to officially team up! They’ve both had a remarkably expansive year here at Realty Collective and we’re so happy for these smart and talented women. Read their […]

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