
Photos from the Women’s March in NYC.

Saturday’s NYC Women’s March was bigger than expected with more than 200,000 men and women marching the streets of the city.  We were there and it was such a lovely experience being surrounded by this loving and vibrant energy! It was extremely invigorating. Some of the highlights were seeing families marching together of different generations, […]

Women’s March is January 20th!

Last year on January 21st people all over the United States (and the planet!) marched in support of Women’s equality and a variety of other basic rights that are important to us all.  This year it will be on January 20th and we hope that everyone is spreading the word and making plans. We know […]

The RC Team Marches on NYC and DC!

We couldn’t be prouder of our Realty Collective family, who energetically participated at the Women’s March on DC and it’s sister March on NYC.  RC’s Victoria, Tina, Nils, Shyda, Brice, Chelsea, Tania and Liz A. were chanting among the enormous crowds on Saturday. It was an incredibly powerful experience that we will never forget and looking […]