
What the Broker Fee Changes Mean For You

New York City’s City Council recently passed the FARE Act, meaning tenants are no longer responsible for paying broker fees. Instead, that cost will now be passed on to landlords or management companies and most tenants will no longer have to foot the bill. Let’s take a closer look at what that means for you. […]

A Tenant’s Guide to the Unique NYC Pet Law Would-be Pet Owners May Not Know

New York City is a tough town full of tough people – tough people who really, really just want to snuggle on the couch with their pet after a long day. The city’s Economic Development Corporation says there are some 1.1 million pets in the city, but what do they know? (Seriously, do they know […]

What You Need to Know About New York’s Good Cause Eviction Law

Thanks to the new Good Cause Eviction Law, many New Yorkers are now protected from eviction or big rent hikes as of April 20th. What this means is that landlords must have a good reason to evict a market-rate tenant, and are now required to justify raising a tenant’s rent by a certain threshold. (Previously, […]