
Is My Co-op Maintenance Tax Deductible?

Can I deduct my co-op maintenance tax? The short answer is YES—a percentage of your monthly maintenance is tax deductible and this percentage is different from unit to unit depending on number of shares owned. With a co-op, the amount of the maintenance that is tax deductible is based on the portion that is used […]

Ace Your Brooklyn Co-Op Board Application: Reference Letters by Victoria Alexander

Being able to afford a co-op apartment in NYC is only a portion of the purchasing process. No matter how well qualified you are financially before and after buying in a NYC co-op, you still need to prove you are worthy! Part of the typical co-op board application process is presenting the necessary documentation to make […]

How to Get Involved in Your Co-op.

Many who were able to buy in Brooklyn opted for the more affordable option, the co-op. Sharing the common expenses, such as building maintenance, property taxes and occasionally utilities, keeps the monthly costs of owning much lower than other alternatives. Living in a co-op can also be a lovely communal experience and, if you are […]