
How to Spot a Friendly Co-op or Condo Board

When you buy a co-op or condo in New York City, it’s easy to focus more on the apartment (its price, size, and location) than the building–let alone the personality and temperament of the co-op or condo board that runs it. But make no mistake: Beyond deciding whether you may become an owner in the […]

Ace Your Brooklyn Co-Op Board Application: Reference Letters by Victoria Alexander

Being able to afford a co-op apartment in NYC is only a portion of the purchasing process. No matter how well qualified you are financially before and after buying in a NYC co-op, you still need to prove you are worthy! Part of the typical co-op board application process is presenting the necessary documentation to make […]

How to Get Involved in Your Co-op.

Many who were able to buy in Brooklyn opted for the more affordable option, the co-op. Sharing the common expenses, such as building maintenance, property taxes and occasionally utilities, keeps the monthly costs of owning much lower than other alternatives. Living in a co-op can also be a lovely communal experience and, if you are […]