
How Much of a Monthly Home Payment Can I Afford?

We all know that housing prices have risen significantly over the past few years. And many of us have taken on higher monthly payments already. If you’re thinking of moving soon, it can be tricky to decide just how much you can comfortably afford. And that’s true whether you’re renting or buying a home. Hint: […]

New Rent Laws — Are You Aware of the Updates?

There have been a few important changes to New York Rent Law. These are exciting and important, as they’re designed to protect you and the space you live in! Read on to find some of the most important points. Be sure to keep this information in your records, as well, so you can look back […]

There’s Mold in My Apartment — What Now?

Mold is by far one of the most unwanted apartment guests. The substance can lead to health issues and home safety concerns, and it can appear in both new and old homes. Some common causes include a leak that’s seeping in from another unit, clogged PTACs, and broken washing machine hoses. Though mold can also […]

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