
24 Hour Long Ragas Live Festival at Pioneer Works this Weekend.

Come to Red Hook this weekend, July 23rd and 24th, for the Ragas Live Festival.  Raga, meaning “color the mind”, are “musical modes or essences from the Indian Classical Music tradition”.  More than 70 musicians will be performing at this 2 day festival and by 2 days this means that performances will begin at noon […]

James Galvin and Mary-Louise Parker at Book Court.

This is an exciting event to mark on your calendar.  Monday, July 25th, poet James Galvin will be at Book Court signing his new book of poetry Everything We Always Knew Was True and actress Mary-Louise Parker will also be there!  There will be a reading and Q & A in addition to the book […]

Volunteer Walking Chaperones in BedStuy Keeping Residents Safe.


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