
August in Brooklyn by Darlene Miller.

Why has August arrived so soon? I haven’t checked off half of my Brooklyn In July Oh Yeah list and here is August in full swing. Summer goes by so quickly.  I haven’t dined al fresco enough or been to as many outdoor films and concerts as I would have liked.  Ok, August, I’m going to try to make the most of you. Here are some of my brainstorms:

I really want to check out Erika Badu @ Outpost tonight but will I be able to even get in?

Maybe I should reserve my energy for Saturday and jump start “my” August with a little Tap & Cork Brooklyn Beer and Wine Fest for a bit and then….

HEAD over to the Brooklyn Museum and check out Target – 1st Saturdays’  “Caribbean House” Exhibit and the exciting activities and entertainment that will be featured for this month!

One way or another the month of August is “Turned Up” in Brooklyn and that’s just the way we like it!

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