
Uber Wants Williamsburg Residents to Car Pool by Tommi Edwards

Uber intends to offer an alternative to the L train shutdown via their pilot program Commuting Together  How will it work? “Uber wants to target existing drivers that cross the Williamsburg Bridge to offer other commuters a ride across the bridge. Through their pilot program titled “Commuting Together,” drivers making the trip across the bridge […]

The Fifth Annual Photoville in DUMBO.

If you love photography then mark your calendars for this event of breathtaking exhibits and thought provoking talks and workshops. Photoville will begin on Wednesday, September 21st 4pm-10pm and will run until Sunday, September 25th.  For times and schedule info click here.  The exhibits look so powerful and engrossing as many tackle current events and […]

Phil & Anne’s Good Time Lounge Signage.

The space at 196 Smith Street has been a foodie paradise in the past, with former tenants Char 4 doling out delicious dishes, and it will continue on that path with Phil and Anne’s Goodtime Lounge.  TV Chef Anne Burrell and Phil Casaceli plan a fall opening for the restaurant and we see that may be […]

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