
New Cafe Opening in Carroll Gardens this Spring.

While browsing records at the new Almost Ready Record shop at 135 Huntington in Carroll Gardens we noticed that right next door is a cozy little space with a couple of signs in the window announcing the opening of a new cafe.  There was no one working at the moment to ask more about the storefront […]

Rally to Oppose ACA Repeal and Medicare Cuts.

Today is the National Strike.  Many, including Realty Collective, are staying home, shuttering their office doors, not spending money or banking. Their are also protests to attend around the 5 boroughs.  We wanted to share this one with you that we received word of earlier from the office of Nydia M. Velázquez.  It’s tomorrow morning, which […]

New Record Shop in Carroll Gardens.

Almost Ready Records, at 135 Huntington St, opened up at the beginning of the year and we’ve checked it out and give it two thumbs up! When we glanced at the new space we originally thought it was declaring that this record store was “almost ready” as in “coming soon”.  But we soon discovered our mistake. Like […]

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