
Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval by Jane Herro

When it comes to the home-buying process, a key part of the equation is being ready. A common misstep that people make at the beginning of their search is not being ready with a pre-approval letter, but instead a pre-qualification. A pre-qualification is based on non-verified information provided to the mortgage broker by the applicant […]

Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval by Jane Herro

With how quickly places go in the NYC real estate market, it is important to have all your ducks in a row if you’re serious about buying. Without good preparation, many buyers get lulled into the mistaken notion that if a lender pre-qualifies them for a mortgage this means that they have been pre-approved for a home loan. With a pre-qualification, the […]

Pre-Qualified vs Pre-Approval – What’s the Difference? by Tommi Edwards

  You’ve been thinking about buying a house. You go to check the mail one day and notice that there is a letter from a bank stating that you’ve been pre-qualified for a mortgage up to $300,000. Now, you feel more ready than ever.  But hold it right there…. While a pre-qualification may give you […]