
Residency Unlimited Performance Photo Gallery and Video!

As you may have heard, we’ve partnered up with local non-profit Residency Unlimited, hosting their exhibits and events out of our Van Brunt Street office/gallery space. Last weekend was the opening reception, performance and exhibition called May Be A Donkey. This event brought together “the experimental works of Swiss artists Myriam Casanova and Jérôme Stünzi, both artists in residence at […]

Art Exhibition, Opening Reception and Performance at 351 Van Brunt this Weekend.

We recently announced our partnership with local non-profit Residency Unlimited, who supports “the creation, presentation and dissemination of contemporary art through its unique residency program and year-round public programs”.  Back in November we hosted an exhibit in the 351 Van Brunt Street space, which was our first event after partnering up, and it went very […]