
Save the Date and Buy Tickets for The Felix Awards

The organization Extreme Kids and Crew has been around since 2010 and provides judgment-free play spaces, arts-based programming and parent education and support for children with disabilities. Exciting news for this company is that they have recently moved into a space in Red Hook Brooklyn but we’ll be posting about soon as they are still settling into the space the Realty Collective helped them lease! The focus of this post is on their annual fundraiser and awards event, The Felix Awards. Read more below and click here for tickets!

Extreme Kids & Crew is the premier drop-in play space for New York City children with disabilities and their families. Our spring fundraising campaign culminates in The Felix Awards, our annual spring gala and it has been held since 2014. The Felix Awards was created in order to honor artists, writers, dancers, actors and other individuals in the arts who have helped move the general public’s perception of disability away from fear, loathing, or mindless admiration, and towards a more nuanced grasp of the multiplicity of being and the diversity of experience.

The spring fundraiser raises a significant portion of our annual budget, and the more than $20,000 is raised at The Felix Awards. This allows us to continue to provide most of our programs for free, and when that’s not possible, on a sliding scale.

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