
Spotlight on Dolce Brooklyn Artisanal Gelato


Red Hook WiFi, a project of the Red Hook Initiative, has a YouTube channel featuring short videos of different businesses in Red Hook. We thought it would be nice to go through and share some of these on our blog spotlighting each business. We chose Dolce Brooklyn first because yesterday was 74 degrees and it’s definitely feeling more like gelato weather outside. We can’t wait!

When Dolce Brooklyn owners, Kristina Frantz and Pierre Alexandre, opened up this Red Hook spot in 2016 residents were delighted to have this frozen treat shop on Van Brunt Street. It was something that was missing in the area at the time and a welcomed sight! Their handcrafted gelato and sorbetto is made with fresh locally-sourced ingredients and there are often seasonal menu changes. For anyone visiting Red Hook, this place should be added as a stop when walking down the main drag of Van Brunt and for those who live in the area…we know we’re preaching to the choir!


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